
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Scientific Method Bubble Gum Experiment

Hi.  Ollie and Mom here.  This week we learned about the scientific method - the process was a little sticky and made us sick to our stomachs!

I watched some music videos about the scientific method, and read a great book to my little brother titled, 11 Experiments That Failed.

Then I made a poster showing the steps of the scientific method.

The steps are:
  1. Make an observation.
  2. Ask a question.
  3. Form a hypothesis or make a prediction.  Your hypothesis or prediction should be testable.
  4. Do a test or experimentation.  Use materials and design methods that include variables and controls.
  5. Collect and analyze data.
  6. Draw a conclusion and publish.
We decided to put the scientific method into action.  I observed that there are a lot of different types of bubblegum, and I questioned what popular bubblegum brands make the biggest bubbles with a single serving piece.  Then I wondered if the time I chew the gum influences the size of the bubble I can make.  My mom and I got busy writing our hypotheses and designing our experiment.

First we did some research and learned from others who have gone before us.  Then we wrote our hypotheses:

Bubble Yum Original bubblegum will make the biggest bubbles.

Time chewed will contribute to the size of the bubbles.

We went to the store and ran around the house to gather our materials:
  1. Bubble Yum Original Bubblegum
  2. Bubble Yum Sugarless Bubblegum
  3. Extra Classic Bubblegum
  4. Orbit Bubblemint
  5. Wrigleys 5 Prism Watermelon
  6. 12 inch piece of yarn
  7. Ruler
  8. Timer
  9. Paper and pencil
  10. A person to measure the bubbles

Then we designed the methods to our experiment:
  1. There will be two separate bubble blowers to control for bubble blowing technique and expertise.
  2. Each brand of bubblegum will be chewed for 1 minute and then a bubble will be blown.  The blower has up to three tries to make a bubble that does not pop.  The third person will measure the bubble with a piece of yarn.  Then the length of yarn used for the bubble will be placed on a piece of paper, underlined with a pencil, and then the line will be measured in centimeters with a ruler.  
  3. Repeat step 2 with a new piece of gum for a 2 minute chewing time.
  4. Repeat step 2 with a new piece of gum for a 3 minute chewing time.
Our independent variables were the brand of bubblegum and the time chewed.   Our controls were Bubble Yum, the bubble blower, and the standard serving of a single piece from the brand of gum.

Warning!  We got REALLY sick to our stomachs chewing this much gum.  Repeat at your own risk!

We collected the following data:

If no bubble could be made and/or maintained after 3 tries, no measurement was taken.  

We then analyzed the data and came up with the following conclusions:
  1. The biggest bubble made was with the brand Extra Classic at the 3 minute time point, but by only one of the bubble blowers.  The second bubble blower was unable to blow a bubble that did not pop. 
  2. For time point 1 and 2, Bubble Yum Classic (first on the x axis) produced the largest bubbles for both bubble blowers.  
  3. Time point 3 produced the largest bubbles for the other brands of gum.
  4. Bubble Yum Original still produces large bubbles as compared to the other brands during time point 3.
  5. Wrigleys 5 produced the least measurable bubbles.
We conclude that Bubble Yum Original does produce the largest bubbles during the first two minutes of chewing.  The other brands produce their largest bubbles after 3 minutes of chewing.  On average, Bubble Yum Original will produce the largest bubbles over 3 minutes of chewing and blowing bubbles.

We also conclude that this experiment will make you sick to your stomach!

Go Seahawks!  
Ollie and Mom

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